Stop wasting your time supporting legacy tech. At Tenup, you will work on next-generation software projects including writing Distributed Real-Time Applications, deploying Cloud Computing solutions (including AWS, Azure, and Google), and performing lots of UI/UX work.
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Modern Project Management
Stop getting stuck in slow-moving Waterfall projects. We at TenUp follow the industry’s current best-practices for software development, including Extreme Programming, Agile Methodology, Lean Project Management, Test-Driven Development, and DevOps.
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Flat Organizational Structure
Stop getting railroaded by bad bosses. At TenUp, you will be surrounded by peers, not politics. You will find everyone easy-to-approach—including the firm’s leadership—and you will effortlessly connect with a team of motivated and highly-skilled professionals who are there to help you at all times.
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Accelerated Professional Development
Stop paying for your own ongoing education. At TenUp, you will gain a partner dedicated to driving your career path forward. You will take advantage of multiple company-initiated and financially-supported learning initiatives that will continuously improve your skills in valuable, quantifiable ways.
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True Work / Life Balance
Stop giving up your life to a corporate IT department. At TenUp, you will regain control over your life. You will enjoy our flexible leave and vacation policies and receive the constant support of our employee-friendly HR policies that will comply with the labour laws of your country.
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