Partner with us

Take your pick. We offer four different ways to structure your Tenup engagement. Choose the one that best meets your unique project, requirements, and budget.

Simple to Start

We make it easy to begin a Tenup engagement. We sign a single, one-time Master Service Agreement that covers all our major terms and considerations, and cover one-off projects with streamlined SOWs. We offer flexible terms that comply with our clients’ wide range of requirements. And we offer four straightforward engagement models to match the needs of any project.


Fixed Price

Do you have a relatively small project with a strictly defined scope, and technical requirements that aren’t going to change? A Fixed Price engagement will give you a highly predictable engagement. For this engagement model we agree on an exact budget and timeline for your project, and we guarantee delivery within those parameters— even if the final project takes up more effort, attention, and expense than we expected. With a Fixed Price engagement, we will be able to create and follow an accurate project delivery plan with minimal supervision from you and your team.


MVP Development

You need to quickly build an MVP to acquire initial funding for your software startup.

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Feature Add

You have a small, well-defined feature you’d like to add to an existing product.

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Trial Projects

You want to work with Tenup, but want to perform a small test project together first.

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Time and Material
Time and Material

Time and Material

Do you have a larger project, that lacks detailed specifications, and whose technical requirements are likely to change? A Time and Material engagement will give you the flexibility you need to successfully complete an evolving project. Due to the shifting nature of the project, we won’t be able to set a firm budget, and will instead bill you once per month according to the actual work completed. With a Time and Material engagement, we will work hand-in-hand, and deliver whatever is needed to see your project to a successful conclusion.


ERP Implementation

You need to select, customize, and deploy a new company-wide ERP over the next 18-24 months

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Product Development

You want to create a new software product, but don’t have any developers on-staff.

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Infrastructure Modernization

You need to replace your company’s legacy on- premise infrastructure with Cloud alternatives.

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dedicated tenup team
Tenup dedicated team

Dedicated Team

Do you lack the software developers you need to complete your day-to-day work? A Dedicated Team engagement will give you the balanced and trained team of experts that you need on a long-term basis. We will staff a custom team for you from our best software developers, UI/UX experts, and project managers. We carefully select team members who have the skills and experience you require. After our thorough screening process, we add them to your staff, and either hand them off to your leadership team, or manage them for you. With a Dedicated Team engagement, we supplement your team with stable, skilled, and devoted experts who will deliver deep, ongoing work for your company.


Product Line Expansion

You are expanding your product line of software applications and you lack a few required skills.

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Overburdened Internal Teams

You have a strong internal team, but they are fully-deployed and more projects are coming in.

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Startup Growth

You are a funded startup who needs additional developers to grow your application fast enough.

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Become Our Partner

Lasting partnerships are built on trust earned through shared experiences, right? At TenUp, we take ownership of tasks and nurture long-term mutually beneficial relationships. So, if you need a delivery partner to extend your market reach and visibility, we’re here to help. Utilize our technology and services expertise to build combined strength and grab ambitious opportunities. You can leverage our best practices and project management methodologies. Together we can reduce production costs and complete big projects with high customer satisfaction. We offer support for pre-sales, marketing, technology, success stories, and advisory for proposal and contract documentation to help you finalize critical projects. Our skilled and experienced team can work on your client project or build technology solutions for your brand. We can also share the risks, costs, and responsibilities of completing projects.


Support for Large Projects

You need capacity and capability expansion to handle larger projects but don’t want in-company hires and infrastructure investment.

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Pre-sales Support

You have prospective clients but need pre-sales support and a knowledge base of success stories to finalize the projects.

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Team Support

You need higher team strength to pitch for international projects and the right talent to fill the skill gaps in your team.

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Book Your Free Consultation & 1-Week Trial Project

Define your requirements, craft a solution, and get started for free.

Reach out to schedule your free consultation. We’ll walk through your entire project, define clear requirements, and set a concrete scope for your solution. We’ll answer any questions you have, and share some methodologies that will drive your project to success.

Your call is 100% no-obligation. But, if you would like to take the next steps, we will work on a free trial project with you for up to one week. We will create a demo, provide support, or complete a representative feature of your larger project.

Get in Touch
Ready to bring your ideas to life? Contact us today to discuss further.
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